Texas Instruments UCC27201A-Q1 is a high-frequency N-channel MOSFET driver that includes a 120V bootstrap diode and a high-side / low-side driver with independent inputs for maximum control flexibility. This allows N-channel MOSFET control in half-bridge, full-bridge, two-switch forward and active clamp forward converters.
The low-side and high-side gate drivers are independently controlled and matched to 1-ns between on and off. UCC27201A-Q1 is based on the popular UCC27200 and UCC27201 drivers, but has enhanced features. To improve performance in noisy power environments, the UCC27201A-Q1's HS pin can withstand voltages up to -18V.
The on-chip bootstrap diode eliminates external discrete diodes. Both the high-side and low-side drivers provide under-voltage lockout. If the drive voltage falls below a specified threshold, it will force a low level output. The UCC27201A-Q1 has a TTL-compatible threshold and provides an 8-pin SOIC with a thermal pad.