Honeywell - Amplified basic pressure sensors assure sensitivity and accuracy (ABPLLND060MGAA3) | 黑森爾電子
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Honeywell - Amplified basic pressure sensors assure sensitivity and accuracy (ABPLLND060MGAA3)

Technology Cover
Honeywell's ABP amplified basic pressure sensors, piezoresistive silicon pressure sensors provide proportional analog or digital outputs that can read pressures within a specified full-scale pressure range and temperature range. The ABP series uses on-board application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) for full calibration and temperature compensation to compensate for sensor offset, sensitivity, temperature effects, and accuracy errors (including non-linearity, repeatability, and hysteresis). The calibration output value of the pressure is updated to approximately 1kHz in the analog quantity, and approximately 2kHz in the digital quantity, and the calibration is performed in a temperature range of 0C to 50C. Honeywell (China) ABP sensor is characterized by being able to be powered by a single power supply of 3.3VDC or 5.0VDC, and can measure gauge pressure and pressure difference.